VERTICALE is a posterior double rod fixation system for stabilizing the thoracic and lumbar spine. In both open and minimally invasive use, VERTICALE allows degenerative spinal diseases to be stabilized in a controlled manner and deformities to be corrected conveniently.


We placed special emphasis on ergonomics, modularity and clarity of the system during development. Bi-functional 2-in-1 instruments and modular handle options for the instruments support surgeons in their work, while individually customizable screw trays facilitate daily handling of the system and can save considerable space in the operating theater.


The system was developed in close cooperation with experienced and qualified spinal surgeons as well as specialist staff from theater and sterilization departments. With its polyaxial and reduction screws, whether solid or cannulated and fenestrated, combined with 5.5 mm titanium or cobalt chrome rods, VERTICALE is suitable for a wide range of indications.

VERTICALE polyaxial screws: slim and versatile. In all aspects!

The high angulation of the VERTICALE polyaxial screw head with 52° makes it easier to adapt the other system components to the patient’s individual anatomy.


VERTICALE monoaxial screws: the fixed point of the system.

The rigid connection between the screw neck and the threaded shaft gives the VERTICALE monoaxial screw the greatest possible stiffness.

VERTICALE Uniplanar screws: for a given direction
The VERTICALE uniplanar screw combines the lateral stiffness of a monoaxial screw with the craniocaudal flexibility of a polyaxial screw.

VERTICALE revision screws:safe for the second time.

 The convenient selection options enable an enormous degree of flexibility so that these challenging circumstances which occasionally arise can be dealt with safely and intuitively.


VERTICALE iliac screws:for fundamental placement.

The possible options enable the preparation of a solid base for extensive and complex reconstructions.


VERTICALE hooks: the handy alternative.

The VERTICALE system also offers screw-free implants, so-called hooks, for special anatomical or pathological situations. A selection of shapes and sizes to meet user needs allows the desired hook construction.

